Picture from 1954 Popular Mechanics Magazine

From: Tore S Bekkedal <toresbe_at_ifi.uio.no>
Date: Tue Nov 16 14:37:10 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 15:27 -0500, Joe R. wrote:
> Take a look at this <http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/Fw%20%5bVTOD-L%5d%20Fw%20Picture%20from%201.jpg>

That is the most obvious fake I have ever seen. It made its rounds on
IRC as a joke about two months ago.

It is a fake, and a very bad one at that. The worst job is the paper
coming down from the "teletype".

But isn't the typewriter a horribly stretched DECWriter? And did they
even have sprocket feed paper in 1954?

Heck, FORTRAN didn't even exist in '54, did it?

And, I mean, come on, a large <US name for boat steering wheel>?
Tore S Bekkedal <toresbe_at_ifi.uio.no>
Received on Tue Nov 16 2004 - 14:37:10 GMT

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