As far as cleaning the boards, we had a long thread here, last year, google
under "mouse doody" and you'll get a lot of tips,suggestions and helpful advice.
I live in SE Arizona, which is probably the heartland of the Hantavirus, so
taking precautions is a second nature. Every autumn and spring I clean out two
large sheds (12x20 and 12x24) and always find I'll have a few machines in
storage that have had "visitors" over the summer. Last year I salvaged several
alpha boards that had mouse nests. After taking the proper precautions.,ie,
wearing gloves and masks, I was able to clean and restore the boards to
working order, including one that had almost a hard accretion of mouse feces
and urine. I believe that the Hantavirus is most endemic to only a few species
of field mice, but then again I don't go out and catalog the wildlife here. I
am more likely to get bit by a rattlsnake here, than by contracting the
Hantavirus. Either way, I always take precautions when moving around my
Who knew that collecting computers could be so dangerous. :-)
Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>"As of March 2000, twenty-one cases of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPV)
>>have been reported in Washington State. About 42% of the victims die of HPV.
Please do not read this sig. If you have read this far, please unread back to
the beginning.
Received on Fri Nov 19 2004 - 23:41:20 GMT