Found 1954 IBM manual

From: Carlos Murillo <>
Date: Tue Nov 23 03:19:04 2004

Ashley Carder wrote:
> It's a 1954 "Preliminary Manual of Information" for
> IBM Electronic Data Processing Machines, Type 702.
> It's 83 pages long and has lots of interesting
> information on the 702 system
> Does anyone know if this manual exists in scanned
> form? If not, I'll scan it and send it to Al
> Kossow to put on bitsavers.

I have never seen this scanned, and it would be great to
have access to it. This series of computers is
interesting to me because many of the classical
algorithms developed by the electric power industry
in the 50's and early 60's used the 702 and 704
as platforms.

Not that I ever expect to find one of them, degraded
or mint.

Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez
Universidad Autonoma de Manizales, Manizales, Colombia
"After finding no qualified candidates for the position of principal, the
school department is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of David
Steele to the post." Philip Streifer, superintendent of schools, Barrington
Received on Tue Nov 23 2004 - 03:19:04 GMT

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