Wired running SGI Article

From: Lyle Bickley <lbickley_at_bickleywest.com>
Date: Sun Nov 28 09:50:12 2004

On Sunday 28 November 2004 04:31, Pete Turnbull wrote:

> That's a nice collection, especially the second Onyx. FDDI, too (I
> have FDDI on my Origin and two Indys and an FDDI-ATM bridge but
> unfortunately the Indys are SAS devices so it doesn't make a proper
> ring).

Thanks, regarding the collection. It's taken a lot of years to put it

My Onyx is linked to a Sun NFS/DNS server which unfortunately has a SAS FDDI
device - so my FDDI setup does not make a proper ring either. Sigh...

I'm on the lookout for a FDDI switch with both dual and single capability -
but so far haven't stumbled across one for a price I'm willing to pay...

Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"
Received on Sun Nov 28 2004 - 09:50:12 GMT

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