Need help in Reno Area today!

From: Brian Knittel <>
Date: Sat Oct 2 13:25:29 2004

Hi Folks,

I'm helping a friend install an art exhibition at
Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, NV.
One of the pieces is run by a 386 computer running
MS-DOS, it's been in storage for three years, and
its CMOS data is gone. Need to borrow a monochrome
monitor and an AT-type keyboard with the DIN rather
than PS/2 connector, just for an hour to get it working
again (once it's set up it runs without them).
As an alternative to the mono monitor, an ISA-bus VGA
adapter would be just as good.

Is there anyone in the area who could help? Could you
email me directly ( I'll check
email periodically today.


_| _| _| Brian Knittel
_| _| _| Quarterbyte Systems, Inc.
_| _| _| Tel: 1-510-559-7930
_| _| _| Fax: 1-510-525-6889
_| _| _| Email:
_| _| _|
Received on Sat Oct 02 2004 - 13:25:29 BST

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