ICL Quattro monitor needed in the UK

From: Adrian Graham <witchy_at_binarydinosaurs.co.uk>
Date: Tue Oct 12 13:25:13 2004

Hi folks,

Had a mail from someone in the UK who's looking for said monitor since his
has died and the system it's connected to is still in use for archive stuff.
Writeups for the machine suggest that any monitor could be used but I asked
him to forward some pictures and it's not a standard monitor - the keyboard
plugs into it as well as there being 2x DB25 serial connectors for inputs
(and I guess outputs for the keyboard)..

If anyone's got a spare he's called John Charters and he's at
jcharters_at_inductotherm.co.uk. I can forward on the pictures he's sent if
it'll be of any help.


Owner/Curator of Binary Dinosaurs, quite probably the UK's biggest private
home computer collection
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online museum
www.aaghverts.co.uk - *the* site for advert whinges!
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - former gothic shenanigans :(
Received on Tue Oct 12 2004 - 13:25:13 BST

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