[Simh] Request for Reccomendations - Telnet

From: Ron Hudson <ron.hudson_at_sbcglobal.net>
Date: Thu Oct 14 18:49:23 2004

On Oct 14, 2004, at 4:42 PM, Ed Kelleher wrote:

> At 07:27 PM 10/14/2004, you wrote:
>> Well, Kermit did the same thing as the two terminal programs.. Even
>> though they say they are vt100 compatible, they still spew garbage
>> and don't make the proper screen with vt50dpy... however vt50dpy
>> running on a serial port on the host system works fine.. I just want
>> to work at that terminal.
>> what's funny is the terminal emulators work fine with teco/vt. I
>> suppose vt50dpy makes more use
>> of the terminal control codes..
> Please pardon my ignorance here, I'm going out on a limb ...
> vt50dpy as in VT50/VT52??
> VT100's were ANSI, VT50/VT52 were DEC specific.
> They used way different programming codes.

I suspect I misunderstood the manual when it said "Use VT50DPY for
vt50,vt52 and vt100 terminals."

The manual also mentions command options like /24 (use 24 lines instead
of 12) and /DCA (use cursor
control instead of spacing) but I am not sure how to supply those via
the run command as in
run $vt50dpy /24 /dca

like that? It complains that it can't find some file, where run
$vt50dpy starts up fine.

I suppose I need to make a CCL.. right? :^)

> Ed K.
Received on Thu Oct 14 2004 - 18:49:23 BST

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