Boot Rom for KDF11-BA

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Sat Oct 16 14:10:38 2004

On Oct 11 2004, 3:51, wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have a KDF11-B3 boot rom or any other version which
> can boot RX33 or an MSCP device on my KDF11-BA. I will pay for
> that and I will be very thankful since I have not to buy a Eprom
> programmer to burn the immages.

KDF11-B3 isn't one ROM, it's an upgrade kit consisting of two EPROMs
plus instructions. It's more usual to refer to the ROMs themselves by
the actual numbers or the processor suffix. The ROMs in the -B3 kit
are 23-183E4 and 23-184E4, as far as I remember; that's the -BF
version, but most versions of the KDF11 ROMs work with MSCP devices.
 For example, people have used RD31 drives on an RQDX3 with -BE ROMs,
although it wasn't officially supported until -BG. The next version
was 23-380E4 and 23-381E4, which would make the processor a KDF11-BG.

There's a list of ROMs at (see the file called

You can see which revisions officially support various MSCP devices in
Micronote 43, which you can find in various places including

BTW, the EPROMs for a KDF11-B are unusual 24-pin 8Kx8 devices; normal
2764-style 8Kx8 devices will not do because they're 28-pin.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Sat Oct 16 2004 - 14:10:38 BST

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