I certainly didn't intend to sound like a complainer... just meant to observe
that something's askew with our 10-year concept if we're talking about the web
and 3.5-inch disks as "vintage".
Since I collect (ahem) "vintage" handhelds, the 20-year concept works great for
me, as 1984 was when a handheld first had handwriting recognition (the Casio
PF-8000, almost a decade before the Newton).
--- Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:02 -0700, Fred Cisin wrote:
> > YAAYD (Yet another "Ten (0A) year" discussion)
> I thought the same thing :-)
> I'm sure people raise the ten year rule more often than used to happen
> on this list. I don't know why that is - I first joined 1998 or so and
> the ratio of on topic vs. OT was about the same as it is now (i.e.
> hardly any OT content) - that's pretty amazing considering the diversity
> of list members. Surely the fact there's cctech now makes it even better
> for those not wanting the odd OT post?
> Personally I don't see the problem at all; things kinda regulate
> themselves, and some pretty nice hardware has been made around the 10
> year boundary - just not in the PC/Mac world IMHO (but I still wouldn't
> get upset at people posting such questions because it's still a fraction
> of total list traffic)
> Seriously, what's wrong with the way things are? I don't get it...
> cheers,
> Jules
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Received on Tue Oct 26 2004 - 16:29:50 BST