PDP-11/10 Boards?

From: Gooijen H <GOOI_at_oce.nl>
Date: Thu Oct 28 01:00:19 2004

Check www.pdp-11.nl and click on the link 11/10 at the left.
There is also a boards position lay-out for the *4* different
backplanes ... Let me know if you miss something; new info is
aways a stimulus to update the pages; as hearing they are read.

- Henk, PA8PDP

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of John Allain
> Sent: donderdag 28 oktober 2004 2:16
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Re: PDP-11/10 Boards?
> > Does anyone here happen to know what boards a PDP-11/10
> should have in it?
> > I don't happen to have that vintage of handbooks handy at
> the moment.
> Here's my inventory notes on the machine...
> CPU:
> M7260 KD11-B 11/05 data paths module
> M7261 KD11-B 11/05 control logic module
> memory:
> H214 8-Kword 16-bit H213 (used in MM11-L)(replaced by H215)
> G110 16 bit 11/05, 11/25, 11/45 Control & Data Loops, HEXx8.5
> G231 16K XY Selection, Current source, Address Latch, 8K Decode.
> G231 16K XY Selection, Current source, Address Latch, 8K Decode.
> G110 16 bit 11/05, 11/25, 11/45 Control & Data Loops, HEXx8.5
> H214 8-Kword 16-bit H213 (used in MM11-L) (replaced by H215)
> options:
> DF11 (tbs)(in slot 1) (control panel?)
> M7254 RK11-D RK05 status control module
> M7255 RK11-D RK05 disk control module
> M7256 RK11-D RK05 registers module (data path)
> M7257 RK11-D RK05 bus control module
> Hope this helps,
> John A.
Received on Thu Oct 28 2004 - 01:00:19 BST

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