aol disks

From: Ron Hudson <>
Date: Sun Sep 5 14:34:52 2004

On Sep 5, 2004, at 10:41 AM, David V. Corbin wrote:

>>>> I recently got an AOL disk in a little wooden (well pressed
>>>> wood) box.
>>>> My brother collects them so he got that one. He likes the
>>>> ones in tins too. Recently He found some in plastic
>>>> bag-like containers shaped like the AOL chat guy.
> The actual AOL chat guy in a plastic bag would be much more valuable!

Actually the bag itself is shaped like the AOL chat guy...

> Now other things which would have their value increased by being in
> air-tight bags include........
Received on Sun Sep 05 2004 - 14:34:52 BST

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