do you remember your posting? :
No the LED is in the chassis. I started thinking it might be some sort of heart
device timer as the deceased former owner of the auctioned items was quite
elderly. I guess you could use it as a timer strobe.
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Lawrence Walker wrote:
> > Likely way off topic, but I acquired some sort of frequency device in
> > an auction junk box. It's a well machined device made by MECOS, made
> > in W.Germant. It's about 2" square by 1/2" powered by a Li. battery
> > and has micro-switches labelled 3 hz, 7.8 hz, 14.0 hz and a small led
> > that flashes at the selected frequency. Anyone have any idea what it
> > might be ?
> >
> > A search turned up that MECOS makes Active Magnetic Bearings and
> > control boards and programs.
> Could this be some sort of timing device used for calibrating the speed of
> something? Is the led separate from the chassis?
> -Toth
well, i bought a mecos at the jumble sale...i had no idea what it is. i serches the i-net and the only interesting i found was your posting. but: now i know!! : its a device for the magnetical field therapy similar to the MEDICUR ( i am sorry, but the page is in german... i am german too, so i hope you excuse my bad english....
Received on Mon Sep 06 2004 - 10:28:19 BST