On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 12:17:40PM +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 23:14 -0700, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> > I've got some quicksilver that I liberated from some evacuated glass tubes
> Actually, that reminds me - I saw a chap in the UK trying to get rid of
> several kilos of the stuff a short while ago. I can't help thinking that
> *something* interesting could be made using it, although I'm not sure
> what.
You could use it for building a liquid mirror telescope and make some
astronomists rather happy. Google for "liquid mirror telescope".
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work." -- Thomas A. Edison
Received on Wed Sep 08 2004 - 00:33:18 BST