On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 04:44:23PM -0400, Dave Dunfield wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I recently acquired a PET 8032 which has a couple of interesting
> add-on's ...
> This is an 8" disk system for the PET!
Wow! I _really_ wanted one of those in 1981. I never had docs or
software, but I tried to get our local Science museum to go with
them (since a 2040 dual 5.25" drive was well over $2000, new, and
they _had_ compatible 8" drives from some other project). Coincidentally,
it was one of these _exact_ 8" mechanisms I had with me at Dayton that I
traded (plus $35 and a Cherry Keyboard) for my first PDP-8/L (and
its partial brother for parts). I got the bare drive as "payment"
for helping the museum research options for how to use them (they had
half a cabinet of them).
Do you have the resources to make a soft copy of its EPROM? I seriously
doubt it's on funet.
I really wish I had something to share with you. I think even in the
day, all I had were brochures from the company, not manuals, but that
was 20+ years ago and on the small chance I still have them, they are
12,000 miles away. I can look when I get home. I might even know which
box to start in...
Ethan Dicks, A-130-S Current South Pole Weather at 14-Sep-2004 22:00 Z
South Pole Station
PSC 468 Box 400 Temp -55.9 F (-48.9 C) Windchill -93.2 F (-69.59 C)
APO AP 96598 Wind 15 kts Grid 009 Barometer 679.6 mb (10639. ft)
Ethan.Dicks_at_amanda.spole.gov http://penguincentral.com/penguincentral.html
Received on Tue Sep 14 2004 - 17:10:13 BST