How about dd'ing it to a file, transferring it to another computer and
pressing a CD?
>From: luke <>
>Reply-To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic
>Subject: Atari Unix
>Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 22:48:34 -0500
>"For those who own Atari TT030 workstations, I have finally gotten a hard
>disk with Atari's version of Unix System V on it running along with a
>diskette with setboot.prg utility that sets the nvram in the TT030's to
>recognize and boot from the Unix Hard Disk.
>If anyone is interested, I can make ghost images of the 300MB SCSI hard
>for you. One word of caution, according the Atari engineer who wrote
>Unix, it does not work on all TT030's. Some of the units had bugs and
>issues, most came back into Atari's service center where the -33 68030's
>were replaced with slower 16mhz CPU's, so while I will guarantee that the
>image works, I cannot guarantee if your TT will have a problem or not. So
>far I've tried it out with 3 TT's and they all work. Also Atari Unix will
>recognize Riebl VME ethernet cards and set them as /dev/en0 so you can hook
>the TT up to the internet directly. I personally am going to see if I can
>get Apache to work on the TT as it would be great to run a website for
>Atari's on an actual Atari computer.
>If you want a copy, I need a 300mb SCSI HD to Ghost the image to and you
>shipping to and from me.
>my friend and i have been looking for this for a while...
>is there a way to create a ghost image that is downloadable?
>this way we can ghost it into our own drive ourselves?
>there are two tt's we are trying to get going...
>thanks for any info
>- luke
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Received on Thu Sep 16 2004 - 10:17:25 BST