HP Printers

From: Jim Isbell <millenniumfalcon_at_cableone.net>
Date: Thu Sep 16 17:28:28 2004

Sounds worth a look. I have now tested 4 of the 5 Laserjet IIs I had and
three give the 50 report, one works and one is buried under so much junk
I cant yet get to it. The LJ-3 is just plain dead and the LJ-4 also has
the 50 error. But now that I have one running the 5 bad units are going
out to the curb on saturday (after I check the fuser bulb idea you
suggested). One day I will check out that last LJ-2....when this one
goes out. I kind of hope the bulbs are NOT the problem, I need the
space in the garage....#8-)

Teo Zenios wrote:

>off with a dremel tool and a polishing head and put it back together worked
>good as new. So if you have a multimeter find out what the resistance of the
>bulb should be from the wattage & voltage spec (ohms law) and see if the
>bulb is burned out or just needs the ends cleaned for better contact (is the
>room humid maybe?).
>Hope this helps
Received on Thu Sep 16 2004 - 17:28:28 BST

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