Yahoo! News Story - Floppy Disk Becoming Relic of the Past (fwd)

From: Doc Shipley <>
Date: Tue Sep 21 00:39:56 2004

Roger Merchberger wrote:

> Rumor has it that John Lawson may have mentioned these words:
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>> Luxury. When I was a boy, we had to transmit using smoke signals *and* a
>>> shofar for parity bits. And if we lost carrier because of a rainstorm,
>>> our father would beat us with his strap and dance on our grave.
> At least you had fire... :-O
>> Lissen up, young'un! When I was a kid, I had to git up offa the
>> couch and walk *all the way across the living room* - in my stockinged
>> feet, mind you! - allllll that way over to th' durn TeeVee just to
>> change th' channel! None o' yer fancy-schmancy re-motes back in *my* day!
> My dad sure can't claim that -- hell, he's *always* had a remote!
> Granted, the remote was *me*! : "Boy, get your butt up there & show me
> what's on TV!!!" -- Despite the fact that I knew what was on better than
> the TV Guide (which he never bought) he'd never believe me, and I had to
> flip thru all the channels 3 times anyway... Thank gawd we didn't have
> access to any UHF channels, or I'd *still* be standing there flipping...
> :-/

   I remember one of the few times my granddad ever spanked me - for
changing the channels with a swag-lamp chain....

   They had one of the early remotes that was an actual tuned "clicker".
  I figured out by accident that if I rattled the chain on the ceiling
lamp just right, the TV changed channels.

   Granddad wasn't nearly as excited about that as I was.

Received on Tue Sep 21 2004 - 00:39:56 BST

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