On Sep 21 2004, 9:53, Paul Koning wrote:
> >>>>> "Brad" == Brad Parker <brad_at_heeltoe.com> writes:
> Brad> Paul Koning wrote:
> >> With the controller included, it would presumably hook up to
> >> anything that knows an IBM channel interface. So if you have a
> >> DX11 you could hook it up to your Unibus PDP11;
> Brad> wow - bus & tag? I've never seen a dx11. I assume VMS had
> Brad> support for that.
> No VMS support that I know of. The DX11 was a rather uncommon beast.
> I believe it was a 6 foot rack full of little M series modules (and
> perhaps even older modules). Built by the CSS group, I believe.
> I heard of it, it was definitely used with a PDP11 at one end, not a
> VAX.
Not a 6' rack, about 4', but it was full of M-series modules. And
lamps. Lots and lots of lamps on the front. I've seen two, one
converted to use LEDs (or possibly supplied like that), and both
hanging off 11/34s, running a modified version of RT-11, IIRC (but I
could be wrong about the OS).
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Tue Sep 21 2004 - 12:35:56 BST