Google archiving everything doesn't really matter to me as I'm not going
to say anything in an email that I would really care if anyone else saw
it or not. Anyway, I also host my own mailserver on If
I did need to say something that I really want to be able to eliminate
all traces, I'd route it through there. With all of the surveillance
laws and corporate accountability laws in place these days, who is to
say that any random ISP isn't archiving all email that passes through
their servers anyway?
Roger Merchberger wrote:
> Rumor has it that Dwight K. Elvey may have mentioned these words:
>> >From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <>
>> >
>> >On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Erik S. Klein wrote:
>> >
>> >> I've got a dozen of the same and have the same offer.
>> >>
>> >> First come, first served. Just drop me an email with your name and a
>> >> contact email address (if different from the one you're emailing me
>> >> from)
>> >
>> >Are these in high demand or something? Of what benefit are they?
> They're of a great benefit if you want google to remember every email
> you ever sent & received & index it *forever* for future searches,
> even if you delete it from your inbox.
> Me... I'll pass. I like having control of my own email, thankyouverymuch.
>> > Can I buy some on eBay?
> Anything's available for enough $$$...
>> Any special colors or flavors?
> Chartreuse!
> [[ Okay, that was the color of the DUKW I was on for the Duck Tours in
> Boston this summer. Seems the guy *really* liked chartreuse! ;-) ]]
> --
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
> What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
> and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
-- The Texas State Home for Wayward and Orphaned Computers
Received on Thu Sep 23 2004 - 05:25:24 BST