archiving as opposed to backing up

From: David V. Corbin <>
Date: Thu Sep 23 09:16:05 2004

>>> I mentioned the finger paintings because every married
>>> friend I knew with kids loved to show off those finger
>>> paintings on their refrigerator to
>>> anybody within eyesight of them, and I could care less.

If you "could care less" then you have a level of caring which is possible
to decrease [by definition].

Therefore by your own statement, YOU REALLY DO CARE, but you may be in

On the other hand, perhaps "You couldn't care less".

Seriously: I tend to agree with most of what you posted. This mis-use of a
phrase just happens to be the #1 thing that bugs me when it comes to
improper logic in a statement.
Received on Thu Sep 23 2004 - 09:16:05 BST

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