archiving as opposed to backing up
>>> (burning people as heretics if they even mentioned
the world was flat).
Um...isnt that backwards....
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Teo Zenios
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:01 AM
>>> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
>>> Subject: Re: archiving as opposed to backing up
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Roger Merchberger" <>
>>> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:11 AM
>>> Subject: Re: archiving as opposed to backing up
>>> > Rumor has it that Teo Zenios may have mentioned these words:
>>> > >[snip]
>>> > >...People today have no reason to build
>>> > >egyptian type pyramids, and we can build them if we
>>> wanted to with our
>>> > >present technology.
>>> >
>>> > But not with our present labor force. A *lot* of slaves
>>> were needed to
>>> > build the pyramids, great wall of China, etc.
>>> >
>>> The people who built the Pyramids and the Great Wall were
>>> not slaves, but
>>> citizens fullfilling their "tax" for the ruling party. If
>>> we threw the same
>>> amount of cash as we have dumped into the Iraq war we could
>>> build the
>>> specialized equipment needed to create the great pyramids
>>> and hire the
>>> smaller labor force needed to complete it, technology isn't
>>> the problem just
>>> logistics and money and carefull planning would take care of that.
>>> > > The Egyptians did leave alot of records on how they were
>>> > >built and organised but archeologists are still not 100% sure how
>>> everything
>>> > >was done and spend time and effort figuring it out and
>>> quite a few people
>>> > >like reading about the finds and new ideas on how things
>>> were done. Our
>>> > >computers are going to be the pyramids of the 3000's,
>>> not needed for
>>> their
>>> > >society (in our crude forms)...
>>> >
>>> > Says who? If an global EMP pops all of the 486+ machines,
>>> but the older
>>> > tech survives, it would be a lot more important for
>>> people to not have to
>>> > take an extra 50 years to figure it out again.
>>> A Global EMP would shut down the entire industrial world,
>>> everything of
>>> importance is powered buy chips faster then a 486 at some
>>> critical point in
>>> the system. Where would you even start rebuilding and would
>>> it be built the
>>> same way it was?
>>> > Do I have a historical reference to this? Sure.
>>> >
>>> > Over 2000 years ago, the ancient Romans & Greeks *knew*
>>> the Earth was
>>> round
>>> > and orbited the sun. However, it seems all references to
>>> that knowledge
>>> was
>>> > unavailable by the 1st millennium, when people once again
>>> thought the
>>> world
>>> > was flat, and stayed that way for over 500 years. Had
>>> they access to the
>>> > Roman and Greek libraries (assuming they existed, but I'd
>>> bet they kept
>>> > their written documents somewhere) who knows what tech.
>>> advances (or wars
>>> > averted) would have been possible.
>>> The Roman world collapsed because of barbarian invasion and
>>> the aftermath of
>>> 100's of years of illiterates running their small chunk of
>>> land followed by
>>> religion as government (burning people as heretics if they
>>> even mentioned
>>> the world was flat). That is a problem with society and the role of
>>> religion, not with archives (same church that doesn't
>>> believe in evolution
>>> TODAY).
>>> > > but a few people will be putting the puzzle
>>> > >together just to see what we did and why and alot of
>>> people will be
>>> > >interested in reading and contemplating the
>>> archeologists findings. It
>>> > >doesn't have to be intentional. Some of the most basic
>>> things we do in
>>> life
>>> > >that are so obvious to us and never documented will
>>> puzzle the hell out
>>> of
>>> > >people 1000 years from now.
>>> >
>>> > Yea, and if (once again) they think the world is flat &
>>> the moon is made
>>> of
>>> > green cheese, it'll be one hell of a step *backwards* for
>>> mankind! Why
>>> > should we relegate our progeny to generations of
>>> ignorance due to our lack
>>> > of planning?
>>> Who says its not going to happen anyway, you think after a
>>> global nuclear
>>> war or large asteroid explosion (back to the EMP wave you
>>> were talking
>>> about) we will start making iPods and PS2's again like nothing ever
>>> happened?
>>> > Laterz,
>>> > Roger "Merch" Merchberger
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
>>> >
Received on Thu Sep 23 2004 - 09:22:26 BST
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