DEC RQZX1 manual?

From: Ed Kelleher <>
Date: Thu Sep 30 18:22:28 2004

At 06:23 PM 9/30/2004, you wrote:
>Did anyone ever make manuals for newer DEC boards such as the
>RQZX1 (M5977) and 11/93 CPU (M8981) available? I cant find
>any.. :(

Nothing for the RQZX1 (is there really such a thing?<g>)

But I do have the MicroPDP-11 Customer Hardware Information Kit Addendum
from when we upgraded a customer to an 11/93 - KDJ11-E.
Small notebook size, maybe 100 pages or so.
No time to scan whole thing at the moment though.
Have a bunch of stuff I want to scan for bitsavers, this included.
Can't get my nephew in anymore, and my girls are off to college.

Need to hire a temp for a day or so.

Ed K.
Received on Thu Sep 30 2004 - 18:22:28 BST

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