Shameless self promotion... was Poly88 on ebay

From: Bryan Blackburn <>
Date: Thu Sep 30 23:08:06 2004

>>I may be whacked in the head, but what did the Poly 88 innovate other
>>than cuteness? Or maybe that doesn't matter because it is has an s-100 buss?
> Actually it did provide a turning point in micro processors.
> It was the first S-100 to have only a power and reset button on the front.
> It had a monitor ROM built in that provided a display of memory and
> registers, using the memory mapped video. The ROM also had the
> tape read code built in. They'd have put the tape write code in


So. What I hear you saying, is that they were the first to copy the
digital group...! :)

Received on Thu Sep 30 2004 - 23:08:06 BST

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