I used to own a 29B before I found my UniSite. Update of the 29's firmware required replacement of the EPROMs and one 'decoder' PAL. The PAL was Data I/O's way of locking out people from copying their upgrade kit for more than one 29.
I've tried (and failed -- the security fuse was popped) to read the decode PAL for the last and latest version (V6) of 29B firmware. If you can figure out the PAL side, I've got a ZIPfile containing images of at least the old V6 EPROMs that I could send along.
Keep the peace(es).
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On 31-Jan-05 at 12:36 J. David Bryan wrote:
>On 27 Jan 2005 at 20:44, Jay West wrote:
>> Also, I'm looking for a "recent" version of firmware for my 29B. Can
>> anyone copy theirs for me?
>A caveat regarding firmware updates: while I don't have a Firmware Update
>Kit manual for the mainframe, the corresponding manual for the 303A-011A
>adapter indicates that the V11.1 kit comes with four EPROMs, a PAL, and a
>resistor. The manual also indicates that updating from V05+ requires
>changing the EPROMs and PAL, updating from V02-V04 additionally requires
>changing the resistor, and updating from V01 additionally requires a
>daughter-board swap.
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?"
Received on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 07:51:48 GMT