Would if I could, but their system does not allow for that. Have to live with it...
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On 03-Feb-05 at 19:42 David V. Corbin wrote:
>>>> I actually got an E-mail back from the guy, calmly
>>>> explaining that it was his first time on Ebay, and that I
>>>> could come and see the unit if I were in Chicago. I'm not,
>>>> obviously, but I wrote back to explain why I thought it was
>>>> a scam. Hopefully, he'll have better luck on the next go-round.
>>>> Keep the peace(es).
>But were you able to retract yoor statements posted on eBay??????
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?"
Received on Thu Feb 03 2005 - 18:57:57 GMT