Ok, interesting (sort of) development:
I pulled the M8044-DC (32Kw) board from my 11/03 and swapped it with the
Camintonn CMV-504 (2MB) in the 11/23. Now, when I try to boot, I get the
same results I was getting on the 11/03, with the system "locking up" when
I jump to the bootstrap. When I halt the system, it breaks at 173204,
just like on the 11/03.
<seinfeld>What is the deal with that?</seinfeld>
So to recap: with the 2MB module the system seems to load a boot sector
and then bomb out at 165426. With the 32Kw module the system "locks" and
when halt is hit it breaks at 173204.
Ideas? I'm just about all out here...
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Tue Feb 08 2005 - 23:33:08 GMT