Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

From: John Allain <>
Date: Wed Feb 9 18:12:53 2005

I think the "Steve Jobs" of HP has to be reimagined.
That is, the perfect representative for the corporate ethos.
IBM and Apple proved that you can refer to your glory days
again, that is go backward slightly, with the right change in
CEO. The Mac at Apple and the s390 at IBM were both
called dead or dying products before the respective CEO
changes. Oh yeah, and change the names to i- and z-.

Just racked my brain on the Apple history...
IIRC Jobs, Scully, Spindler, Amelio, Jobs
Guess Gasse wasn't ever actually CEO?

John A.
Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 18:12:53 GMT

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