OT and getting further OT all the time! Re: Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

From: Brad Parker <brad_at_heeltoe.com>
Date: Fri Feb 11 09:02:32 2005

"Eric Smith" wrote:
>Evan replied to me:
>> Wishing I didn't have to say this: Anyone who feels the way you do is a
>> fucking moron.

[this is so OT I feel compelled to insert some dithering noise]

wow. Last time I checked Eric was a wizard. Just ask that PDP-1 just
off 101 :-)

(and wow, was I surprised when I accidently went to www.pdp1.com)


Journalism is a very broad field. If we're talking about industry
specific magazines, or industry 'trade rags', then I would say from
personal experience that the separation between the journalistic side
and the advertising side is nonexistant.

If a big advertiser leans on an editor, they will fold. Trust me. I've
seen many articles "modified" before publication.

I stand with Eric - follow the money...

Received on Fri Feb 11 2005 - 09:02:32 GMT

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