From: Lee Courtney <>
Date: Fri Feb 11 10:40:13 2005


I'd be very (very, very) interested in any info you come up with on this
topic. Would love to know the history of APL on the VAX. What's your
motivation for asking? Personal or professional?

Have you posted your query on comp.os.vms?

I have a VAX 750 and Decwriter with APL character set, but no APL to run.
:-( From 1969 to 1978'ish I hacked a lot of APL on IBM mainframes, but only
had a brief encounter with APL on the VAX. Finding a version to run the 750
would really make my day.


Lee C.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Mark Wickens
> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 6:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: VAX APL
> Hello All,
> Does anyone know anything about the history and availability of VAX APL?
> It looks like the last version was 4.0 and was discontinued a while ago.
> Many thanks,
> Mark.
> Mark Wickens
> Rhodium Consulting Ltd
Received on Fri Feb 11 2005 - 10:40:13 GMT

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