I have a sun 4.1x cdrom around somewhere. I also have the tape
media available, but dont know what to do about copying them for now.
also the pile has lots of the original documentation if you are interested
Michael-John Turner wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 01:41:45PM -0800, Seth Morabito wrote:
> > I'm looking for SunOS for a SPARCclassic (hey, it has Classic in
> > the name, it must be on topic!). It's supported by SunOS 4.1.3C,
> > 4.1.3_U1, 4.1.3_U1B, and 4.1.4 as far as I can tell. I'd like to
> > get distribution CD-ROMs for any one of those.
> The SPARCclassic is a sun4m machine, so it'll also work with every
> Solaris release up until (and including) Solaris 9.
> > I'd gladly accept ISO images, I don't need the originals. (I can give
> > you a place to upload if you need it.)
> Take a look at ftp://ftp.sunwizard.net/pub/Solaris/
> FWIW, I've found NetBSD to be the best OS to run on SPARCclassics
> (I have two of 'em running NetBSD 2.0).
> If you're interested in collecting newish (and not-so-newish!) Unix
> hardware, you should check out the mailing lists at
> http://www.sunhelp.org/mailinglists
> -mj
> --
> Michael-John Turner | http://mj.turner.org.za/
> mj_at_turner.org.za | Open Source in WC ZA - http://www.clug.org.za/
Received on Fri Feb 11 2005 - 20:43:43 GMT