eBay vrs42?

From: vrs <vrs_at_msn.com>
Date: Sun Feb 13 11:53:12 2005

> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, vrs wrote:
> > If you and your friend decide to split the lot and keep your bid at the
> > level, that would be problematic and smells of attempted price fixing to
> > Of course, you an your friend might still get the lower price on eBay,
if no
> > other bidders show up. But at least you gave the seller a chance at
> > value for his stuff. (which in this case amounts to a chance for what
> > would have really been willing to pay.)
> Ok, what if I decide to buy a lot and I happen to get a low price, then I
> sell it off piece by piece to other people and make more than what I paid?

If you happen to get a low price, that's your good fortune.

> Does your answer change if this is pre-arranged between friends?

If you and your friends arrange to get a good price, that's shady, IMO.

> Does it change if everyone splits the cost of the lot?

No, what matters (to me) is whether there is an attempt to band together to
manipulate prices.

> > What I have been objecting to is the possibility of buyers forming teams
> > low-ball the bids, which I think is damaging to the supply chain (hence
> > foolish and unethical).
> There's nothing illegal or unethical about this. It happens in the real
> world all the time.

We've already agreed there's nothing illegal about it, and already disagreed
about whether it's unethical. I will even concede (for purposes of
discussion) that it might happen in the real world all the time, but that
does not affect my position.

Also, the words "I think" were meant to express my opinion of possible
behaviors Jay could choose, not to start a rehash of the discussion.

Received on Sun Feb 13 2005 - 11:53:12 GMT

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