Including a few photos of the manometer and such (in the tape page).
Also, last call on
* the DG blue'n'beige rack cabinet
* Computer Products, Inc 256 channel analog boat anchor
The rack will linger a month or two, then become a chicken coop
(maybe quite literally). It's actually excellent as a roost; if I
put nests in it I could open the rear door to get the eggs! I like
that idea very much.
The CPI stuff I'll yank to electronical meeces to pieces and toss
all the cards. Even chickens have no use for them. A lot of
Hg-wetted relays in there (128 or so). I dont want those. I
suppose I could put the guts into a box and UPS it. That's
probably 20 lbs.
The CPI rack chassis would make good nests!
Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 15:27:52 GMT