x86 Assembler Recommendations

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <RMeenaks_at_OLF.COM>
Date: Tue Feb 15 10:10:53 2005

Apparently, Watcom has the WASM assembler, so go ahead and download it. Its
worth it. Watcom is really good...



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael B. Brutman [mailto:mbbrutman_at_magnaspeed.net]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 10:13 PM
To: cctech_at_classiccmp.org
Subject: x86 Assembler Recommendations

I'm trying to learn device driver programming, the target being a PCjr.
  (If you know the PCjr, you know it needs a lot of help from device
drivers.) Eventually I want to start patching the BIOs, but for now
I'll live with device drivers.

Microsoft MASM 5.x looks to be a reasonable choice, except it is hard to
find. Borland TASM would also work, but I'm not sure what version I'm
looking for. A 'good' version would be compatible with MASM 5.x and
still run on my 386 based PC, which is the development box. (MASM 6.xx
is out of the running because it doesn't run in pure DOS.)

Any recommendations? Any leads on where to find one of these reasonably


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Received on Tue Feb 15 2005 - 10:10:53 GMT

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