x86 Assembler Recommendations

From: Eric J Korpela <korpela_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:52:08 2005

I think you can still download MASM from MS with their Windows device
driver development kit.


On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:11:16 -0500, Ashley Carder <wacarder_at_usit.net> wrote:
> > > Microsoft MASM 5.x looks to be a reasonable choice, except it is hard to
> > > find.
> >
> > One of M$'s best products! I was quite intimate with it for a while.
> > Sorry, I don't think I have any copies.
> I may have a copy of MASM 5.1 stashed away in a box somewhere. I used
> it a lot back around 1986-87 when I was developing TSRs and screen handlers
> for some software products back before the days of Windows.
> I'll try to remember to dig through my boxes in the attic. If you don't
> hear
> back from me, remind me in about a week.
> Ashley
Received on Tue Feb 15 2005 - 17:52:08 GMT

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