On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 17:58:45 -0500
Scott Stevens <chenmel_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:39:15 -0600
> "Michael B. Brutman" <mbbrutman_at_brutman.com> wrote:
> >
> > Here is the summary of suggestions that I've received:
> >
> > MASM32 (www.masm32.com) - geared toward 32 bit environments?
> > WASM (Open Watcom) - not as full featured as MASM or TASM but
> > usable? Arrow assember
> > A86
> > AS (http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/as/index.html)
> > RASM86 (Digital Research .. the 'other' DOS)
> >
> >
> > I'll be scanning eBay for TASM or older MASMs for a bit, and looking
> > at the others to see what might work. Being a newbie I'm a little
> > hesitant to experiment with anything but the gold standard (okay,
> > maybe not gold), so TASM and MASM are higher up on my list.
> >
> > Another possibility is finding a 6.x version of MASM on DevNet CDs.
> > At work I do all of my programming in a Linux environment, so we
> > don't have DevNet CDs just laying around ...
> >
> >
> > Thanks again,
> > Mike
> >
> I have an ancient MASM here. It's REALLY old and thus small, i.e. I
> have it installed on the SRAM card of my HP 95LX Palmtop.
> I just looked in the Microsoft manual cover and all that is in there
> is the original 5-1/4" diskette. I'm pretty sure I had it on 3-1/2"
> media to get it onto the 95LX... I can get it to you somehow if needs
> be. The serial link from the HP95LX worked last time I used it. Email
> me about it if you want a copy and I'll try to figure it out (it could
> be time to install a 5-1/4" drive somewhere).
> It's not very big (it fits on the SRAM card of my HP 95lx, which is
> only a one meg SRAM card, without getting in the way of the other
> stuff on that drive)
> Scott
This topic got me digging around in my big mess of saved web links.
Some further helpful x86 Assembly resources:
Emu8086 is at
This is a complete 'virtual machine' environment with a built in
Assembler. You can write the code to some interesting targets,
including bare silicon ROMmable code, and an interesting 'boot sector'
target that allows you to create boot floppies that jump right into your
This page has a bunch of links to what they term 'downloadble MASM32:
http://www.movsd.com/masmdl.htm. Tried one of the US sites, it echoed
back sort of a 'you're busted' response with my IP and browser identity.
One of the Swedish links was navigable to download a 3M zipfile. URL
for the live link is:
http://www.codingcrew.de/masm32/index.php (Swedish
language page)
The MASM Programmer's reference in HTML format is at:
There's a textbook called "Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers"
written by Kip R. Irvine (Prentice-Hall, 1999) ISBN 0-13-660390-4 that
has MASM 6.11 on the CDROM in the envelope in the back cover. I believe
I bought my copy of the book at abe.com (a consortium of used
booksellers, it came from one of the member bookstores, can't recall
which). It's a commonly available used textbook now. Not always as
easy to get a copy with the cover CD, though.
Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 17:17:21 GMT