LRC Ballot Reader

From: Vintage Computer Festival <>
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:11:45 2005

I got today an LRC Ballot Reader. It's basically a Documation M1000 but
it has a box in place of where the noraml status lights go made by LRC.
This houses an LCD display plus a card cage that has option boards that
LRC made. The display prints full status messages and such, and probably
shows statistics as cards are being read (I couldn't trigger it to read
any cards like I can with my M200).

The back of the add-on box has a slot for an RS-232 connector (DB-25) but
the slot is blocked and the RS-232 option card is not included :( It
would be really nifty to be able to hook this up directly to a PC (my
current setup with my M200 connects first to an Apple //e, which then
connects to a PC via serial, with the Apple doing the actual card reader
control and converting between punch card codes and ASCII).

Might anyone by any chance know where I can get the RS-232 option board
for this? I know this is probably unobtanium at this point but it would
be cool if somehow I can find one.

A bunch of these ballot readers came up on eBay a while back when there
was a big kick to switch over to electronic balloting (after the Florida
fiasco). I'm sure at least one of those had the RS232 option. Did anyone
here get one of those?

I'll hold on to mine in case American's finally come to their senses and
decide to go back to punch card voting so we can have a paper trail.

Sellam Ismail                                        Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger      
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Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 22:11:45 GMT

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