I had a very long affair with Toby-san, my T1000. I bought it new,
many moons ago, and it's still here next to me. I added the RAM
expansion module, and keep my favorite word processor (Borland's
Sprint) on the RAM disk. I used it to take notes at the last VCF East.
I added one of those little battery-powered "Book-lites", which I clip
on and use to see the screen in the dark. It's a great little
-- Bill
On Feb 16, 2005, at 7:32 PM, William Layer wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 14:29:12 +0100
> Tore S Bekkedal <toresbe_at_ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>> (And the laptop is a Toshiba T1200XE, a most amusing machine.
>> Miraculously, the battery lives!)
> I had a brief affair with the Toshiba T1000 machines; neat little 8088
> portable, with SuperTwist mono LCD display, a 720K floppy, no hard
> disk, Toshi-DOS 2.11 in ROM, and an expansion RAM card that could be
> partitioned into system RAM and 'hard RAM' - which could then be used
> like a C: hard disk.. a 768K hard disk. On the bright side, access
> time was quite fast, and battery life was excellent.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------
> -. William W. Layer .- -. St. Paul, MN USA .-
> ---------------------------------------------------
> -. Cheif bottlewasher, Atma-Sphere Music Systems .-
> -. http://www.atma-sphere.com .-
> --------------------------------
Received on Thu Feb 17 2005 - 17:30:44 GMT