Christie's auction and other computer history events

From: Paul Koning <>
Date: Fri Feb 18 13:05:06 2005

>>>>> "Dwight" == Dwight K Elvey <> writes:

 Dwight> Hi For the Germans, they put them on airplanes and brought
 Dwight> them to the US. For the Birtish, it was a little more
 Dwight> sneeky. Tell the Brit's that they need to come to do their
 Dwight> work during the war in the US where they are not being
 Dwight> shelled all the time. Of course, bring the wife and family.
 Dwight> Once established here, many stayed after the war.

Of course they did...

   (former dutchman)
Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 13:05:06 GMT

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