g4u (ghost for unix) is a great little bootable image. UDPcast is
beautiful for blowing multiple machines out at the same time. Between
those two, I've never needed to use Symantec Ghost again.
A warning: the Ghost for Linux project appears, at least
superficially, to be an uncredited mangling of the g4u project. Also,
it doesn't add any functionality that I'm aware of.
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 22:37:55 GMT, Philip Pemberton
<philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com> wrote:
> In message <50958.>
> "Eric Smith" <eric_at_brouhaha.com> wrote:
> [ Symantec spams ]
> > but I still refuse to buy anything from
> > Symantec because of it.
> I've never really wanted any of their stuff anyway - NAV is a pile of
> bug-ridden, unstable crap. Ghost is handy every now and then, but the
> Standard version seems to be incapable of sending disk images over a LAN.
> Needless to say Ghost Enterprise can send the images over a LAN, but it's
> insanely expensive for what it does.
> And now Symantec have taken over PowerQuest, I guess PartitionMagic's going
> to be dumbed down beyond belief. I suspect DriveImage will also be canned (if
> it hasn't been already). Ick.
> Does anyone know if Acronis TrueImage or any of the other Ghost work-alikes
> are any good?
> Later.
> --
> Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
> philpem_at_philpem.me.uk | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slice,
> http://www.philpem.me.uk/ | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
> ... We laughed, we sang, we danced far into the night.
Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 18:21:14 GMT