OT Now jet engines (was RE: Christie's auction and other computer history events - moving OT)

From: Stan Barr <stanb_at_dial.pipex.com>
Date: Sat Feb 19 06:29:45 2005


Sellam said:

>> On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Andy Holt wrote:
>> > If you really want amusement about the history of the jet engine check up
>> > the answer to the following:
>> > Four countries were working on jet engine development during the second
>> > world war.
>> > UK,US,Germany being the obvious 3 ... who was the 4th?
>> Japan
>> > Which of the 4 was 1st to have a jet plane fly?
>> Um, Germany?

> I think the Italians got there first, but they cheated a bit...

I was wrong! The Caproni Campini didn't fly until May 28, 1940.
The HE-178 first flew Aug 27, 1939.

For the sake of completeness:
Gloster E28/39 - May 15, 1941
Bell XP59A - ??? ??, 1942
ME-262 - July 18, 1942
Gloster Meteor - March 15, 1943
de Havilland Vampire - Sept 20, 1943
XP-80 Shooting Star - Jan 8, 1944
Heinkel He-162 - Dec 6, 1944
Nakajima Nikka - ??? ??, 1945
Yak-15 - ??? ??, 1945

Stan Barr  stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Sat Feb 19 2005 - 06:29:45 GMT

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