Archiving tapes

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Mon Feb 21 13:32:50 2005

 Almost all of the tape programs use a serial like output.
It takes only small modifications to the tape dump programs
to send to the RS232 serial port instead of the tape port.
You can then send the programs in digital form to your
other machine.
 It does require a simple serial reader program to take
the serial information back into memory. I've done this
in order to archive tapes that I have for the Poly 88.
The digital form is a little more robust than the audio
tapes and you can even feed it through a disassembler.
 Once the information is transferred back into the original
computer, one can generate fresh tapes to play with.
 This avoids all the issues with trying to make good
copies of the audio signals.

>From: "Peter Hicks" <>
>On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 08:31:19AM -0800, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> So, when I want uncompressed audio, I demand AIFF because I know what I'm
>> getting.
>I've just imagined a program which will:
> 1. Read in an audio stream and decode in to machine-specific binary (e.g.
> BBC B, Spectrum etc.)
> 2. Interpret the data and store in a generic format, which will be smaller
> than a 44kHz-sampled audio stream
> 3. On demand, convert this generic format back to audio, which can be
> encoded in to an MP3 file with no loss of quality/data - in fact, as
> the signal has effectively been regenerated, a substantial quality
> increase
>How difficult is it going to be to write a program like that?
Received on Mon Feb 21 2005 - 13:32:50 GMT

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