On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Eric Smith wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > I borrowed the cable from a Kaypro IV
> > and it work perfectly. Unfortunately it's not a standard RJ-11 phone
> > plug, it's the small one - can't recall the id right now, but it's the
> > same as is used on the handset of many modern phones.
> Sellam wrote:
> > That's RJ-14. If your local store carries RJ-11 connectors then it should
> > also carry RJ-14.
> No, RJ14 is mechanically the same as RJ11, but wired with a second
> POTS line on the yellow/black pair (primary on red/green). Both are
> six-position connectors, but often with only the center two or four
> contacts loaded.
Damn, it's been too long since I worked telecom. You're right.
> The handset connector is a four-position modular jack, vs. six position
> for RJ11, RJ14, and RJ25, and eight position for RJ45. AFAIK there isn't
> a USOC code for the handset connnector, as AT&T never used it as the
> interface to CPE.
I think maybe we used to refer to it as RJ-12 then.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Mon Feb 21 2005 - 20:24:54 GMT