In case the "etc." below isn't clear - I also use PUTR to handle DECMate II
RX50 diskettes...
On Tuesday 22 February 2005 11:15, Lyle Bickley wrote:
> I use PUTR all the time to format RX50 diskettes, copy RT11 (etc.) files
> and create DOS backups of my RT11 diskettes. I then copy the images to my
> NFS server, etc.
> You gotta love PUTR ;-)
> Lyle
> On Tuesday 22 February 2005 10:24, vrs wrote:
> > > ISTR there are ways to read an RT-11 RX50 on a standard PC, but at the
> > > moment, I'm drawing a blank on it. Catweasels are not required... it
> > > _is_ an odd format (10 sectors/track, 80 tracks, slight different in
> > > header bytes from "standard" usage), but it's all well within the
> > > range of what a PC controller can do... it's all software at that
> > > point, and I can't remember what is capable of doing it. Probably
> > > need DOS/FreeDOS to run it, as I'd be surprised if anything exists for
> > > Winders. Dunno about Linux, but as RX50s are somewhat old and out of
> > > the mainstream, I'd be surprised if anyone bothered.
> >
> > I thought PUTR could read and write RT11 format?? If I am remembering
> > things rightly, any standard PC with DOS and PUTR should be able to copy
> > RT11 stuff, including the whole volume.
> >
> > Vince
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"
Received on Tue Feb 22 2005 - 13:29:43 GMT