or is that commonly missed called... LOL
At 04:56 PM 02/22/2005, Mike Loewen wrote:
>On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
>>On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
>>>Sure it does. It's the top jack that only has four positions (telephone
>>>wall jacks all (should) have 6 positions, even if only 2 or 4 of them
>>>are used.
>>Oops, sorry, you're right.
> These plugs (and jacks) seem to be commonly called RJ11 4P4C (4
> Position, 4 Contact), and are available all over the place. Jameco, for
> instance:
>Mike Loewen mloewen_at_cpumagic.scol.pa.us
>The Dixie Lion Jazz Band http://ripsaw.cac.psu.edu/dixie.html
>The B9 Robot Builders Club B9-0014 http://ripsaw.cac.psu.edu/~mloewen/B9/
>Old Technology http://ripsaw.cac.psu.edu/~mloewen/Oldtech/
Received on Tue Feb 22 2005 - 16:02:56 GMT