RS/6000 bits available

From: <(>
Date: Thu Feb 24 14:21:10 2005

I have a 3CT that I'm not using, so if anyone wants one or parts contact me.
Pickup would be preferred, but I can ship.

You can have either the whole thing (if Scott doesn't want bits)
or groups of parts

POWER2 card with 2 MB cache, power regulator card and S4.5 memory card, also
includes vent duct

System Planar with F/W SCSI2 and cable

floppy drive
network riser (AUI and BNC)
power supply
keylock with key

If you want any of these, drop me an email off list.

I also have some memory modules which might be available if I can't get them
to work in other machines.

Scott Quinn
Received on Thu Feb 24 2005 - 14:21:10 GMT

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