cctalk Digest, Vol 18, Issue 92

From: Al Hartman <>
Date: Fri Feb 25 13:20:49 2005

Der Mouse Squeeked:

> > Think about it; our buggest enemy in -- gasp --
> > real is Mr. Osama bin Laden,

> ...?? Whose "our" is this? I am far more scared by
> George W. Bush, or more precisely by whoever's hands
> are on his strings, than I am by Osama bin Laden.
> (The reasons are perhaps worth discussing, but this
> is probably not the place for that discussion.)

I am *MUCH* more "scared" by people who are scared by
George W. Bush and think he has strings that are being
pulled by nameless and faceless individuals than I am

Can we PLEASE keep politics off the list?

It's OFF TOPIC, and frightens the horses..


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Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 13:20:49 GMT

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