"HTML" Posting Tags, was Top-posting shenanigans

From: Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner <spc_at_conman.org>
Date: Fri Feb 25 15:15:57 2005

It was thus said that the Great dvcorbin_at_optonline.net once stated:
> >
> > --- -. .-.. -.-- ..-. --- .-. - .... --- ... . - .... .- -
> > -.. --- -. .----. - .... .- ...- .
> > - . .-.. . --. .-. .- .--. .... .- -. -.. - .... . -.
> > --- -. .-.. -.-- ..-. --- .-. - .... .
> > .- -. -. --- -.-- .- -. -.-. . ..-. .- -.-. - --- .-.
> >
> > .---- ---.. ....- ....- .-.-.- .. - .... .. -. -.- -- --- .-
> > . ... .
> > ..-. .. - ... ..- -. -.. . .-.
> > - .... . -.-. .... .- .-. - . .-. .-.-.-
> >
> Did you speel (sic) check this before sending?????

  Not when I first sent it in January of 1999, and certainly not this time
(somewhere I have the code I wrote to generate this ... where that is, I
have no idea ... )

  -spc (But hey! You inline replied!)
Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 15:15:57 GMT

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