On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 dvcorbin_at_optonline.net wrote:
> > Succinct, well-trimmed, paragraph wrapped[1], would go along way.
> > If it all fits in a dozen lines or so, for example, it matters a
> > lot less of it's top or bottom posts.
> Getting a paragraph to format with an indicator on the left AND wrap to
> th readers window size is (AFIK) impossible using plain text [granted
> Outlook does a worsejob even with non-paragraph wrapping.]
Not only is it possible, I just did it with your (un-wrapped paragraph
above) using a single keypress in PINE.
> Now using a different font, color, etc would clearly let even a two word
> comment in a long post stand out...but.....
Shall I start talking about how hairy my ass is, people?
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Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 17:15:40 GMT