Votrax PSS Auction almost over!
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:11:38 -0800 (PST)
From: aek_at_spies.com (Al Kossow)
Subject: Re: Votrax PSS Auction almost over!
To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
Message-ID: <20050101011138.738694D2F_at_spies.com>
>>I hope to see the whole thing scanned (and I want to see the scans too).
>And this information is worth how much to you?
I'm working on an independent research project about the Votrax Synthesizers
and their workings. For experimentation and also vintage value I purchased a
Votrax PSS about a month ago from eBay, which did not include a Manual or
power supply. Since then I've managed to acquire a manual, but it was the
older, shorter version (the one with the 'cursive' Votrax logo on the
cover). Robert Stek sent me a scan of his manual right before I got mine in
the mail, and it is exactly the same as mine.
I was hoping to get scans of the *ENTIRE* Votrax PSS manual (to post on one
of the manuals-archive sites, since they don't seem to be available
anywhere), but I realized that the shorter version of the PSS Manual doesn't
include the "Operation -- Advanced Procedures" section, it only has an order
form for it.
(My PSS also has the older cursive logo, but it also had some sort of
sticker on the front which is torn and illegible now. There was a NASA
auction a few months ago where a similar PSS with an intact sticker was
sold, but the sticker isn't readable from the picture.)
I know the manual with that auction (and the PSS too, though its hard to see
in the picture) have the newer Votrax 'V' logo on them. I contacted the
seller, who sent me several scans from the manual shown with the auction,
and it DOES include the "Operation -- Advanced Procedures" section! It has
different page numbering throughout the manual too. So I'd like to see that
version of the manual completely scanned also, as a lot of very useful
information is completely left out of the shorter manual.
What I'm *PERSONALLY* interested in would be to get scans from the appendix
of the manual, since thats the only part which I don't already have in some
form. (The seller was *very* nice, and sent me over 15 pages of scans!)
But in the long run, I'd be happiest seeing the whole thing scanned and
posted somewhere for future PSS owners to read.
Jonathan Gevaryahu
(replace __at_t_ with @)
P.S. Does anyone around here have or know where I could get a Votrax VSK or
a VS6(any type) synth? I'm looking for one of those too, for
Received on Sun Jan 02 2005 - 19:50:26 GMT
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