I have a xerox copy of the 11/24 maintenace card (well, err.. it's
more a booklet). I can give you a copy, contact me off list for
further discussion.
> Thanks alot for your advices and the links, Ethan.
>> No. There are 1MB boards for the 11/24, but they are somewhat odd,
>> IIRC. I have an 11/24 at home with a KT24 (M7134?) Physical Address
>> eXtension (PAX) board that lets you put more than 256K of memory in
>> the 11/24, giving it a slight edge over the 11/34, at least in terms
>> of max memory (the 11/34C might be able to crunch numbers a bit
>> faster).
>> I reasonably confident that the 11/24 and 11/44 used the same memory.
>> For 256K boards, it should be the M8722 (MS11-MB). Grubbing around on
>> http://www.pdp11.co.uk/search/modules.ehtml?name=ms11&submit=Search
>> seems to suggest that the 1MB version is the M8743 (MS11-PB), but I
>> don't have my hardware close at hand to check my own machines. Max is
>> 4MB (as with any 22-bit address bus).
> My 11/24 _uses_ the KT24 Mapping Module with the suggested MS11-PB, giving
> it 1MB of ECC Memory.
> I can guarantee, that this combination works :^)
> There's another board, I own: a MS11-LB (M7891-BB) with 128kb.
> But I suppose that it doesn't make much sense to put this one together
> with the MS11-PB. The Ms11-PB is certainly
> much faster than the MS11-LB.
> Unfortuantely, the National Semiconductor boards can't be used, they were
> built for a VAX 11/750...
> Currently, I have some problems to get this baby work.
> There is a strange malfunction: When typing in some letters or digits on
> the keyboard (VT420), the screen turns
> out some sort of random characters at the _at_-pormpt.
> It's very weird !
> Sometimes, when I turn it off and on to give it another try, it becomes
> impossible to type something.
> The prompt is waiting, the cursor's blinking and the machine try to
> bootstrap, when pushing the boot-button,
> but I simply can't type in anything !
> The grant und bus connections are closed. The terminal works perfectly on
> local mode.
> The "Clock" LED is on, in fact, never turns off, while the 1-LED (the one
> next to the Clock-LED) turns on when the PROM
> for the CPU diagnostic is loaded (_at_165004g).
> After that, both LEDs remain on.
> The Maintenance Card for the 11/24 isn't on the internet (at least, I
> didn't find it), and there, the LEDs functions are described.
> Could anybody give me some help on this ?
> Pierre
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Received on Mon Jan 03 2005 - 09:56:50 GMT